My buddies, Melissa and Peter invited us on a picnic last Saturday. We decided to go to Griffith Park and enjoy our lunch in the abandoned Los Angeles Zoo. I had been there before, so I was excited to show some of my friends. It is kind of a creepy place, rusty bars, broken fences, and dark enclosures covered in graffiti. You can even lock yourself (or your dog) into the cages. But the open field (I think it may have been a lion pit) was actually a very nice place for our picnic.
Melissa made incredible food, Turkey, Apple and Cheddar sandwiches, also Salmon and Cucumber! Sooo good. We also had lemonade and chocolate chip cookies! Yum!
Melissa's adorable parasol blanket side.
It wouldn't be a picnic without the dog. Here is Megan getting tangled up with Bijou.

She then of course came to attack our picnic. She has no manners!
then a tiny silk worm appeared from above to join us.

Walking back to the car we discovered this large and spiny pod. Since we are such a curious species we just had to cut it open. It's one of the coolest plants I have found in Griffith Park. So if you have never hiked up to the old LA Zoo, it is definitely worth the trip.

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