I love these trees painted on the walls. They remind me of my good friend Darla's house who recently passed away. She used to give me art lessons and hang out with me when my mom was working. She painted cracks in her walls with vines growing out, and fake bookcases on her cabinets. This painting looks so much like the one in her dining room.
I love this room so much. It is so bare and clean, yet looks cozy and lived in.

These chairs remind me of Chairy, my orange chair that it got at the flea market in Tulsa for $25. This was one of the first pieces of furniture I bought for myself. It stayed in my apartment all through college. And she now lives with some good friends.
Yes it is named after Pee Wee Herman's chair.
These floors are great. I currently have fake hardwood floors. Wood is wonderful. It looks pretty, smells nice. It feels cool and warm at the same time. I have been thinking of ditching life in LA and moving to the country quite a lot recently. This photo is making a good argument for a log cabin.
Can't wait to get my book and see more!